Who We Are


Robin Bayer

Robin Bayer, Resident Fellow

Robin first volunteered with Magic in 1988 to participate in a tree-planting project. She's still taking care of those trees as manager of Magic's habitat stewardship and resource planning activities, for which she is regionally known. She also oversees Magic's mentoring program, maintains its legal and financial records, and plays an active role in teaching and publishing about valuescience. She is a mother to twin girls born in 1999 and to a boy born in 2004, and she enjoys running, swimming, hiking, and reading. Robin holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Stanford University, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi, and awarded a Terman Prize as top Civil Engineering student in her graduating class.

openquote When I first came to Magic, I thought it was about environmentalism. Now I think we're about learning to love. closequote


Hilary Hug

Hilary Hug, Resident Fellow

Hilary Hug first came to Magic on the same day as Robin Bayer in 1988. After several years of volunteer work in Indonesia, she returned, and now manages Magic's residential service learning community. Hilary is a life coach and mediator who leads Magic's workshops on life-planning and community building and consults to individuals and groups. She plans and oversees classes and events at Magic, and plays an active role in teaching and publishing about valuescience. She is a mother to twin girls born in 1999 and to a boy born in 2004, and she enjoys outdoor activities, music, and good times with friends. Hilary earned a B.S. in Human Biology from Stanford University in three years.

openquote I feel the value of community every day in being healthy, staying loving, and living lightly on the planet.closequote


David Schrom

David Schrom, Senior Resident Fellow

David co-founded Magic in 1972. Projects he has guided in health education, community development, dispute resolution, urban planning, and natural resource management have won national and international recognition. Currently he writes and teaches about valuescience, application of scientific methods and principles to questions of value, and provides counsel to those operating Magic day-to-day. He enjoys giving thanks, cooperating for common good, and cultivating awareness. He holds a B.A. (Scholar of the House) in History from Yale College and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Prior to volunteering full-time with Magic he worked in education, manufacturing, law, finance, and government.

openquote Thank you for visiting this website. closequote
Jeffrey Hook

Jeffrey Hook, Resident Fellow

Jeff has been with Magic since 1980. He has been an important contributor to evolution of Magic's organizational structure, including valuescience-based service learning community, and its diverse projects to promote health, cooperation, and environmental stewardship. From Magic's earliest days Jeff has led in bringing more people to more consistently and competently practice science to live well and contribute to others' doing so. He envisions a world where a smaller human population cooperates to thrive in peace and plenty by conserving resources and protecting environmental attributes on which all rely. Jeff holds a B.A. from Stanford. He has also been a software engineer for Solarcity and Tesla. He enjoys playing piano and singing, and exercising in the outdoors, especially running.

openquote Humanity will better thrive cooperating to produce a smaller footprint. closequote
Andrew Nepomuceno

Andrew Nepomuceno, Resident Fellow

Andrew first encountered Magic when he enrolled in Valuescience at Stanford in 2010. Less than a year later, in January 2011 he became a Magic resident and intern. He has contributed to design and construction of 373 Oxford as an ecologically informed residence, and he has played leadership roles in CalAve Farmers' Market food salvage, oak habitat stewardship, valuescience teaching, and maintenance of physical infrastructure and social fabric in the residential community. Since becoming a fellow in 2014 he has shouldered primary responsibility for orienting new residents and coordinating residents in operating the community. Andrew enjoys playing violin, hiking in nature, dancing, and working for common good. He holds a B.S. in biomechanical engineering from Stanford and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in epidemiology there.