
Robin Bayer Magic's overarching goal is for humans worldwide to improve individual and common well-being by becoming more competent valuescientists. We further this aim by pursuing evolving subsidiary goals in research, teaching, consulting, publishing, demonstration project development, personnel, finance, marketing, facilities acquisition and maintenance, and management. Currently we're working to:
  • contribute to the development of valuescience through our research;
  • create media to communicate valuescience to an "early adopter" target audience and the general public;
  • enhance the residential service-learning program through which we demonstrate valuescience-based living, afford opportunity for immersion learning, and provide a cost-effective means to operate Magic and deliver its benefits to the general public;
  • increase the number of classes, seminars, workshops, public presentations, demonstration projects, publications, and consultations to bring valuescience to a wider audience;
  • recruit and retain additional exceptionally qualified personnel;
  • grow participation and elicit sufficient support from participants to make benefits of valuescience available to more people;
  • make buildings and grounds clear reflections of applied valuescience;
  • improve telephone and computer systems to better utilize Magic's human and other resources to further common good.
"We at Magic have devoted more than thirty years to developing valuescience and to demonstrating its versatility and its power. Now we're concentrating on communicating valuescience and engaging others in valuescience practice so that more people can enjoy its benefits."

—Robin Bayer

In each of these areas we set and regularly evaluate progress towards specific objectives. If you want to know more about these, please .